Streamline Your Search

Streamline your search by spending 5 minutes up front.
You don’t go the grocery store without a list, so why would you shop for a house without a list of what you’re looking for?
It only takes about 5 minutes to set up the criteria most important to you.
Maybe you’re looking for highly rated schools or a certain amount of square footage. As an investor, you’re probably even more interested in the rent/price ratio and the average return on your investment after owning the property for five years.
It’s simple to determine whether properties meet your standards. Just set up a chart (like the one shown) listing the minimal criteria for what’s important to you in one column.

Then, when a new property becomes available, simply flow in the numbers. You will know immediately if the property passes or fails, and whether you want to buy it as an investment.

This one simple chart can save you invaluable time. Otherwise, you will be inundated with property listings that don’t meet your criteria.
Don’t have the time to create your own criteria chart? Use ours. We’ve taken the time to create a criteria chart that fits our investing goals so you and our investors can benefit!

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